Metric Comparison per Product Type in one Report
The described functionality will be available soon.
Use this mode to compare the metrics of the following product types: Initial and Renewal. You can set this product property when creating and editing a product.
To view your report, select Separate in the Product type field. The selection option is available if the mode of metric comparison per period is disabled (you select No comparison in the Dates filter).
After applying the filter, you can see the dynamics of the metrics on the graph:
The bar graph displays all the metrics. You can see two bars per metric: one of the bars represents Initial and the other one represents Renewal.
The line graph displays only one of the metrics. You can see two lines presenting the dynamics of the metric selected: one of the lines represents Initial and the other one represents Renewal.
Additionally, the breakdown table shows the following data per product type: the share (percentage) calculated from the total value of the metric.
E.g., if you are building a report by gross revenue, then you can see two separate lines: one line showing gross revenue received from selling Initial products and the other line showing gross revenue received from selling Renewal products. Next to the values of the gross revenue received from selling each of the product types, you can see how much of this gross revenue comes from your total gross revenue ([gross revenue metric per product type] / [total gross revenue metric] * 100%).
Report peculiarities when using the mode for comparing different metrics:
- Date - breakdown of data into days. The report shows all dates, even the ones when no sales are made.
- Order type, Title, Title + Subtitle, SKU - you can view only the values that include sales made within at least one of the periods.
No sorting by Order type is available for the report.