Checkout Page Use Cases

  • The customer selects a product existing on your end (e.g., in your online catalog or application) and clicks the Buy button.
  • You redirect the customer to the checkout page via a checkout link. This link allows the customer to purchase the product selected. Each product uses an individual link. You can add additional parameters to the link to transfer the quantity/currency of the product or to activate a discount, etc.
  • On the checkout page, the customer must complete the steps required for the purchase. The customer:
    • Manages the contents of their order (changes the quantity of the product selected, returns to your end and adds one more product, applies special offers, etc.)
    • Fills in their personal data.
    • Selects one of the payment methods.
    • Confirms their consent to the sales terms and conditions and to the processing of their personal data.
    • Clicks the Continue button.
  • We process the actions that the customer makes (order creation):
    • We create an order. The status of this order is not paid. The order also has an additional status: not delivered.
    • We send you a webhook. It notifies you about the order.created event (example).
    • We redirect the customer to the order payment page

After an order has been created, the customer is automatically redirected to the payment page. Next, based on their payment method choice:

  • Online method - the customer can immediately pay for the order
  • Offline method - the customer receives instructions on how to pay for the order offline

If necessary, they can choose another payment method to pay for the order.

Upon successful order payment:

  • The customer receives a payment confirmation email
  • (Optional) You receive a webhook on event payment.succeeded (example)
  • The system initiates the execution of the order

Upon order payment, order fulfillment (product delivery) is initiated. The way an order is fulfilled depends on the license generation method used for the product being delivered:

After the required license has been generated:

  • The customer receives the email containing the license
  • (Optional) You receive a webhook on event product.delivered (example)
  • If all the products of the order are successfully delivered, we change the additional order status to delivered

If the customer makes a payment, but an error occurs (e.g., incorrect payment data was entered):

  • We send you a webhook on event failed
  • The customer can try to pay for their order again or choose a different payment method

If the customer does not pay for their order within a certain time, we send them a reminder email (optional). If the order remains unpaid within 90 days, we automatically delete the order and its status changes to deleted.

If the customer wants to cancel their order, they can contact you or our technical support. They cannot cancel orders on their own.

Unpaid orders can only be cancelled. After a payment has been made, it is only possible to get a refund for the order.

If the customer has contacted you with a request to cancel their order, you can do this using the ESupport portal. In addition, unpaid orders are deleted automatically after N days (90 by default) from the date of their creation.

The customer can ask to refund their order after they have paid for it. More details on how refund processing is performed.