[GET] Get Order Data
Request description
GET /v1/order/[order id]
The request allows you to get order data.
This request can also be used to get payment data created via Noventiq Payments.
Connection Data
- Endpoint URL:
- Production environment: https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com/v1/order
- Test environment: https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com.demonqweb.com/v1/order
- Request Method: GET
- Authorization: token-based
Order identifier (Order ID)
You can get it from:
You can get it from:
- Webhooks (order_id)
- Response to a request for getting a list of orders (ids)
- Requests for getting product licenses
Authorization token
- Format:
Bearer [token]
- Replace [token] with the token value you get in response to the request sent to the Authentication API
Request Example
GET https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com/v1/order/123456
Response Description
In response to the request, you receive the server response code corresponding to the processing result. Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.
Successful Response
If processing is successful, the following will return in response server response code: HTTP/1.1 200 OК and the order data in JSON format.
Response contains:
- Order data
- Payment data
- Customer data
- Product data, including:
- (Optional) Subscription data
- (Optional) Installment data
- (Optional) Refund data
- (Optional) Order additional parameters
Order identifier (Order ID)
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment identifier
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment identifier
Extended order identifier
In such a format prefixes can be added to identifiers. For orders in Noventiq Checkout - this is the way order numbers are viewed by customers.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Extended payment identifier
In such a format prefixes can be added to identifiers. For orders in Noventiq Checkout - this is the way order numbers are viewed by customers.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Extended payment identifier
Order status
More details on order statuses.
Value options:
More details on order statuses.
Value options:
- not paid
- paid
- deleted
Checkout page identifier
It is used if an order for a product with dynamic characteristics has been placed. You receive this identifier in response to the request used for generating a buy link to purchase a product with dynamic characteristics (buy_link). Otherwise, the parameter is transferred having an empty value ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment identifiers on your end
It is used if an order for a product with dynamic characteristics has been placed. You receive this identifier in response to the request used for generating a buy link to purchase a product with dynamic characteristics (buy_link). Otherwise, the parameter is transferred having an empty value ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment identifiers on your end
Order creation date
Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment creation date
Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment creation date
Date and time of successful order payment completion
- Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
- If no payment has been made, the parameter is transferred having an empty value ("")
Currency code of order
- Format: ISO 4217 alpha-3, 3 characters.
- For the value options, see the reference guide.
Link leading to the order page
When creating orders in the test environment - links will be intended for the test environment (links will have the .demoslweb.com suffix added).
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Link leading to the payment form page
When creating orders in the test environment - links will be intended for the test environment (links will have the .demoslweb.com suffix added).
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Link leading to the payment form page
Total discount amount for all order items
- Transferred in order currency
- Calculated from price excluding VAT
- Product quantity is included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
- If no discount is applied to order products, parameter is transferred with value "0.00"
TTotal VAT amount for all order items
- Transferred in order currency
- Product quantity is included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
- If VAT percentage is equal to zero for all order products, parameter is transferred with value "0.00"
Total order price amount
- Transferred in order currency
- Product quantity, discounts, VAT are included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
Payment method code
For the value options, see the reference guide.
For the value options, see the reference guide.
Payment method name
This name is seen by customers on the checkout page when they place an order.
This name is seen by customers on the checkout page when they place an order.
Last 4 digits of card number
The value can be transferred if:
The value can be transferred if:
- The customer has paid for their order with a card.
- The order was created to renew an AR subscription (child) but the customer has not paid for it yet. In this case, the parameter value is taken from the parent order if it was paid with a card.
Card expiration date
The value can be transferred if:
The value can be transferred if:
- The customer has paid for their order with a card.
- The order was created to renew an AR subscription (child) but the customer has not paid for it yet. In this case, the parameter value is taken from the parent order if it was paid with a card.
- Format: MM/YYYY. Example: 12/2026.
Attribute indicating whether card expires before subscription expiration date.
The value can be transferred if:
Value options:
The value can be transferred if:
- The order contains a subscription (AR or PMR).
- A card is used for payment and its expiration date is set (the payment.card_expiration_date parameter was transferred). If the order was created to renew a subscription (child order) and the customer has not paid for it yet, the parameter value is taken from the parent order.
Value options:
- true - bank card expires before subscription does (payment.card_expiration_date < subscription.expiration_date).
For example:- Card expiration date (payment.card_expiration_date) = 09/2026 (i.e. card is valid until 30.09.2026)
- Subscription expiration date (subscription.expiration_date) = 15.10.2026
- Since Card expiration date < Subscription expiration date, then subscription.is_card_expired transfers true
- false - bank card expires after subscription does (payment.card_expiration_date ≥ subscription.expiration_date)
For example:- Card expiration date (payment.card_expiration_date) = 10/2026 (i.e. card is valid until 31.10.2026)
- Subscription expiration date (subscription.expiration_date) = 15.10.2026
- Since Card expiration date > Subscription expiration date, then subscription.is_card_expired transfers false
Installment payment availability
More details on payment in installments. This parameter and all the other ones concerning installment payment include only the installments of Noventiq Checkout (installments of PSP are not included).
Value options:
More details on payment in installments. This parameter and all the other ones concerning installment payment include only the installments of Noventiq Checkout (installments of PSP are not included).
Value options:
- true - no installments (one-time payment)
- false - installments
One installment amount.
- * - Required, if payment.is_installment_payment is true, otherwise, it is not transferred
- Format: Numeral with 2 decimal places, separator - point. Transferred as a string
- The amount of the last installment may slightly differ from the remaining installment amounts
Currency code of one installment payment amount.
- * - Required, if payment.is_installment_payment is true, otherwise, it is not transferred
- Always equals the value of the currency parameter
Number of installments
* - Required, if payment.is_installment_payment is true, otherwise, it is not transferred.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) It is not applicable
* - Required, if payment.is_installment_payment is true, otherwise, it is not transferred.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) It is not applicable
Customer's country code
- Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
- For the value options, see the reference guide
Customer type
Value options:
Value options:
- physical - individuals
- juridical - companies
Customer's phone number
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
Taxpayer identification number
E.g., it is used to transfer:
E.g., it is used to transfer:
- DNI/CUIL or CUIT when payments are made in Argentine pesos
Company name
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
Company's registered office address
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
Company’s physical address
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
List of order products
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Additional payment data
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Additional payment data
Product identifier
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
Your product identifier
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
Your product SKU
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
If the parameter contains no value on our end, it is transferred empty ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
Product sales business segment
Value options:
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
Value options:
- b2c - product is intended for individuals
- b2b - product is intended for legal entities
- mobile - mobile app
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Technical values
Full names of products
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment descriptions
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Payment descriptions
Price per product unit
- Transferred in order currency
- No discount or VAT are included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
Product unit quantities
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) "1" is always transferred
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) "1" is always transferred
Product discount percentage
If no discount is applied to product, parameter is transferred with empty value ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Parameter is not used. It is transferred with empty value ("").
If no discount is applied to product, parameter is transferred with empty value ("").
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Parameter is not used. It is transferred with empty value ("").
Discount amount
- Transferred in order currency
- Calculated from price excluding VAT
- Product quantity is included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
- If no discount is applied to order products, parameter is transferred with empty value ""
VAT amount
- Transferred in order currency
- Product quantity is included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
- If VAT percentage is equal to zero, parameter is transferred with value "0.00"
Product total price
- Transferred in order currency
- Product quantity, VAT, discount are included
- Format: Number with 2 decimals, separator - dot, transferred as string
You profit margin from sales in order currency
Format: String contains numerals; value separating by point, with two decimal places.
Format: String contains numerals; value separating by point, with two decimal places.
Product license information, sent to customers
The parameter is transferred if a product exploits the Noventiq automatic fulfillment tools (electronic delivery option) to send its license information, or the license information of the product has already been sent and the data has been saved in Noventiq.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) It is not applicable
The parameter is transferred if a product exploits the Noventiq automatic fulfillment tools (electronic delivery option) to send its license information, or the license information of the product has already been sent and the data has been saved in Noventiq.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) It is not applicable
Subscription data
This parameter is transferred if a subscription exists for a product: automatic renewal (AR / AR Trial) or pre-filled manual renewal (PMR).
Note that:
This parameter is transferred if a subscription exists for a product: automatic renewal (AR / AR Trial) or pre-filled manual renewal (PMR).
Note that:
- The subscription is created after the customer has paid for the initiating order. Therefore, if the customer gives their consent to the subscription, but has not yet paid for the order, the parameter does not exist
- The parameter is always present in renewal orders (child orders)
Subscription identifier
- * - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred
- Format: NN_MM, where NN is an identifier of the order that initiates subscriptions (parent order)
ID of previous order within subscription
- If a current order is a parent one and initiates a subscription, the parameter is transferred having value "null"
- If a current order is a child one, this parameter transfers the identifier of a previous child order (or the identifier of a parent order in case it is the first renewal)
- * - Required, if the products.subscription parameter was transferred
Order item ID of previous order within subscription
Order item ID is an additional internal ID that is assigned to a product within an order.
Order item ID is an additional internal ID that is assigned to a product within an order.
- If the current order is a parent order (initiates the subscription), the parameter is transferred having an empty value (null)
- If the current order is a child order, the parameter transfers the order item ID assigned to the product of the previous order created within the subscription
- A product being from a parent order triggers creation of a subscription. This product ID is 11111:
- Order item ID 12345 gets assigned to the product within the order
- Request response contains: "subscription.previous_order_item_id":null
- During the first subscription renewal, a renewal order is created:
- Product having ID 22222 is used to renew the subscription
- Order item ID 54321 gets assigned to the product within this
- Request response contains: "subscription.previous_order_item_id":12345
Subscription type
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
- AR - auto-renewable subscription (including AR Trial).
- PMR - pre-filled manual renewal.
Attribute indicating first renewal after free trial period
It indicates whether the order on which you received a webhook had been created or not to renew a subscription immediately after its free trial period expiration.
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
It indicates whether the order on which you received a webhook had been created or not to renew a subscription immediately after its free trial period expiration.
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
- true - if all the conditions are met:
- The order renews an AR subscription. (The order is a child order. The subscription.type parameter equals AR)
- This is the first child order of this subscription
- The subscription has a free trial period. (The customer purchased the parent product free of charge)
- false - if the conditions for transferring true are not met.
Subscription status
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
* - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred.
Value options:
- active - subscription is in progress and requires no payment
- not paid - subscription is payment pending
- cancelled - renewal is cancelled
Product term within current subscription period
This is the validity period of the product from the last paid order created as part of the subscription. Please note that this period applies to the subscription as the whole and may not coincide with the term of the product in the order from the response to the request.
This is the validity period of the product from the last paid order created as part of the subscription. Please note that this period applies to the subscription as the whole and may not coincide with the term of the product in the order from the response to the request.
- A subscription for the product having a 7-day term has been created:
- When requesting data on the parent order, the response will contain products.subscription.period = P7D
- A child order for the product having a 1-month term has been created:
- When requesting data for both the child order and the parent order, the response will contain products.subscription.period = P7D. Since the child order has not yet been paid for and the subscription has not yet been renewed, the term from the current subscription period is transferred
- A payment for the child order has been made:
- When requesting data for both the child order and the parent order, the response will contain products.subscription.period = P1M since the child order has been paid for, the subscription has been extended and the current subscription period has been updated
- * - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred
- ISO 8601 code: P[number][unit of measurement]
- Supported units: Y - year, M - month, D - day
- Example: "P1Y" matches "1 year"
Subscription expiration date
- * - Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred
- Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
Date of next attempt to pay for AR subscription
Only the date of the first payment attempt is transferred. The system ignores additional attempts in case of unsuccessful payment. If the date comes but the attempt is unsuccessful, or the system runs out of all the attempts to pay for a subscription (the subscription has not been renewed), the data transferred does not change. The system calculates a new date to pay for the next renewal after successful payment.
Only the date of the first payment attempt is transferred. The system ignores additional attempts in case of unsuccessful payment. If the date comes but the attempt is unsuccessful, or the system runs out of all the attempts to pay for a subscription (the subscription has not been renewed), the data transferred does not change. The system calculates a new date to pay for the next renewal after successful payment.
- * - Required, if the products.subscription parameter was transferred and the subscription.type parameter equals AR
- Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
Link to manage auto-renewable subscriptions (AR, AR Trial)
This anchor link leads to the subscription section within the subscription order initiator page.
* -Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred, and the products.subscription.type parameter is equal to AR. Otherwise, the parameter is not transferred.
This anchor link leads to the subscription section within the subscription order initiator page.
* -Required, if the products.subscription parameter is transferred, and the products.subscription.type parameter is equal to AR. Otherwise, the parameter is not transferred.
- If the current order initiates the subscription, parameters order_detail_url and products.subscription.detail_url will contain the link leading to the same page
- If the current order (child) renews the subscription, the url in order_detail_url leads to the order page of the renewal (current order), and the url in products.subscription.detail_url leads to the order page of the subscription initiator
- If the order is created in the test environment, the link is intended for the test environment (link uses suffix .demoslweb.com)
Refund / return data
The parameter is transferred if a refund or a return is made. Otherwise, it is not transferred.
The parameter is transferred if a refund or a return is made. Otherwise, it is not transferred.
Action type
* - Required, if the products.return parameter is transferred.
Value options:
* - Required, if the products.return parameter is transferred.
Value options:
- returned - refund or replacement of license information
- removed - removal of incorrect license information, e.g., when the customer receives invalid data instead of license information because of technical issues
Date and time of event
- * - Required, if the products.return parameter is transferred
- Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm
Additional parameters
More details on additional parameters. Please note that the time for storing additional parameters in orders is limited.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Values of the additional_data parameter in the payment creation request
More details on additional parameters. Please note that the time for storing additional parameters in orders is limited.
(For payments in Noventiq Payments) Values of the additional_data parameter in the payment creation request
Successful Response
"order_id": 6666666,
"order_name": "A0006666666",
"status": "paid",
"external_id": "TEST12025",
"create_date": "2021-08-13T09:16:35+03:00",
"pay_date": "2021-08-13T09:20:05+03:00",
"currency": "EUR",
"locale": "en_EN",
"order_detail_url": "https://shop.com/order/status/6666666/1a97507",
"total_discount_amount": "0.0",
"total_vat_amount": "0.00",
"total_amount": "200.00",
"payment": {
"payment_method": "CreditCard",
"payment_system_name": "Bank Card",
"card_last_4": "1234",
"card_expiration_date": "12/2026",
"is_card_expired": false,
"is_installment_payment": false
"customer": {
"country": "FR",
"type": "physical",
"email": "customer@gmail.com",
"first_name": "Marcel",
"last_name": "Laporte",
"phone": "",
"vat_number": "",
"company_name": "",
"company_billing_address": "",
"company_delivery_address": ""
"products": [
"id": 111111,
"vendor_code": "0001",
"sku": "0001",
"business_segment": "b2c",
"name": "Demo",
"price": "100.00",
"quantity": 1,
"discount_percent": "",
"discount_amount": "",
"vat_amount": "0.00",
"amount": "100.00",
"margin": "95.00",
"activation_codes": [
"subscription": {
"id": "6666666_456660",
"previous_order_id": null,
"previous_order_item_id": null,
"type": "AR",
"status": "cancelled",
"period": "P1Y",
"expiration_date": "2022-08-13T23:59:00+03:00",
"next_charge_date": "2022-07-24T23:59:00+03:00",
"detail_url": "https://shop.com/order/status/6666666/1a97507#autorenewal"
"return": {
"type": "returned",
"reason": "test purchase",
"date": "2022-08-14T09:16:35+03:00"
"id": 22222,
"vendor_code": "0002",
"sku": "0002",
"business_segment": "b2c",
"name": "Demo 2",
"price": "100.00",
"quantity": 1,
"discount_percent": "",
"discount_amount": "",
"vat_amount": "0.00",
"amount": "100.00",
"margin": "95.00",
"activation_codes": [
"additional_data": [
"name": "referer2",
"value": "test"
"name": "referer3",
"value": "TEST12025"
Error Response
If an error occurs while processing the request, you receive a server response code corresponding to the result of processing.
Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.
HTTP Server Response Error Code
HTTP code | Description |
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request |
The request is not valid (error in parameters; necessary data is not transferred, etc.). An additional error code (one or more) will be transferred in the response bodу. |
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized |
Unsuccessful authorization. An additional error code (one or more) will be transferred in the response bodу. |
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found |
Invalid request URL or no order having the identifier transferred is found. If no order is found, an additional additional error code will return in the response body. |
HTTP/1.1 500 Request Error |
Internal Server Error. Please try again later or contact support. |
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 400
Error | Message | Description |
15000 | Unable to identify your configuration for accessing this API. Please contact technical support. | During processing, we could not identify your account setting unambiguously. Please contact support team. |
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 401
The errors are the same for all the APIs that use token authorization.
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 404
Error | Message | Description |
15020 | Order not found. | No order with the identifier transferred is found, or you do not have the rights to get the data. |
Example of Error Response
"errors": [{
"error": 15020,
"message": "Order not found."