Order Additional Parameters

Additional parameters of an order are some special data that is transferred into the order in a particular way (i.e. it is not entered by the customer). This data is not displayed to the customer.

You can transfer these parameters when redirecting the customer to your checkout page. Further, you get the additional parameters with the information about the order.

Use the additional parameters to save technical information into orders at your discretion. E.g., if the customer proceeds with their purchase of an order after clicking on an advertising banner on your end, you can transfer the identifier of this banner to the additional parameters of the order.

Use these options to transfer the additional parameters to an order:

  • For general products: referer - additional parameters in checkout links. More details.
  • For dynamic products: additional_data - additional parameters in the request for generating checkout links. More details.

Moreover, the system saves the following data in the additional parameters of an order:

Filling out of the additional line provided to get the customer's consent.
If the additional consent line (optional) is used in your checkout page, the result of filling it out by the customer is transferred in the additional parameter with "name":"subscribe_offers".

You can view the additional parameters of an order:

  • In webhooks (additional_data)
  • In response to a request to the Orders API (the request for getting information on the order)
  • When viewing information on the contents of the order through the ESupport portal (Additional parameters)

You can transfer additional parameters that were saved in the order with name referer1-12:

The time for storing additional parameters in orders is limited:

  • For orders having status Paid - storage period is 1 year after order creation
  • For orders having statuses Deleted or Terminated - storage period is 120 days after order creation

For orders having status New / Not paid - storage period is unlimited.