Payment Methods
Default Payment Methods
Payment Method | Card Payment | Bank Transfer |
Payment Method Code (for API and webhooks) |
CreditCard | BankTransfer |
Category | Cards | BankTransfer |
Currencies | All | USD, EUR |
Сustomer Countries | All | Depends on currency* |
Payment Type | Online | Offline |
Interaction | Direct | Manual (via banking apps or in-person visit to bank branch) |
Instant / delayed | Instant | Delayed (3-5 work days after payment) |
Recurring Payments | Yes | No |
Refunds | Yes | Yes |
Chargebacks | Yes | No |
* – The European Union (where order currency is EUR). All countries except the European Union, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (where order currency is USD).
Additional Payment Methods
In addition to the default payment methods, more payment methods with payment in local currencies of various countries are available.
The additional payment methods can be enabled on your request. Write to to find out the conditions of the enablement.
Payment Method | Currencies |
PagoFacil | ARS |
Rapipago | ARS |
Boleto | BRL |
Pix | BRL |
Pagseguro Wallet | BRL |
WebPay | CLP |
Multicaja | CLP |
Baloto | COP |
Efecty | COP |
Matrix | COP |
Twisto | CZK |
PayPal | EUR, USD |
KakaoPay | KRW |
KFTC Internet Banking | KRW |
Local cards | KRW, ARS, BRL |
OXXO Pay | MXN |
Mercado Pago | MXN |
Bancomer | MXN |
Pagoefectivo | PEN |
Blik | PLN |
Przelew na konto | PLN |
Przelewy24 | PLN,CZK, EUR |
Internet banking | RON |