Manage Payments (ESupport Portal)
The ESupport portal ( allows your technical support managers to process payments.
- Search and view payment data
- Create payment refund requests
Portal Access
To get access, you have to contact our support team and provide the following data:
- Email addresses of the technical support specialists who need access to the portal
The data allowing you to access the portal (login, password) is sent automatically to your specialists by email after the creation of their accounts.
Search Payments
Search by Date
To search for payments by date, use the following fields:
- Order creation date
- Order payment date
If several filters are filled, then only the payments that satisfy all the conditions specified will be found.
You can enter:
- One date (date from) - in this case, payments created and (or) paid for on the date entered will be displayed
- Date period (date from - to)
When searching, dates entered in the "from-to" fields are included in the period
When positioning the cursor in the date field, a pop-up calendar opens to help select the date.
Search by Payment Status
To search for payments by status, use the Order status checkboxes. The search results will contain only the payments that have the statuses you select. More details on payment statuses.
If several filters are filled, then only the payments that satisfy all the conditions specified will be found.
It is recommended to use the "search by status" option combining it with other filters; otherwise, the payment list displayed may be too long.
Search by Payment ID
To search for payments by ID, use the Order IDs field.
You can use both the payment identifier set in the Noventiq Payments (order_id), and the payment identifier set on your end (payment_id).
You can enter several IDs separated by spaces, commas or input them in a column format.
Only the numeric part of the ID number is used for searching, for example, searching result for A0012345678 and 12345678 will be identical.
If several filters are filled, then only the payments that satisfy all the conditions specified will be found.
Firstly, in payment search results you see the payment identifier used in the Noventiq Payments. And, on the green background, you see the payment identifier used on your end.
Search by Customer Data
To search for payments by customer data, use the following fields:
- Telephone (
- First Name (customer.first_name)
- Last Name (customer.last_name)
- E-mail (
- Company (customer.company_name)
- VAT Number - search by customer taxpayer number (customer.vat_number)
- Last 4 digits of Card Number - search by the last 4 digits of the card that was used to pay
For all data, except for the email address, the search is executed strictly according to the given keyword (exact match). It means that if you enter a partial word, the payment will not be found.
For the email address, search by part of a word is available, for example, when searching by "", payments having an email can be found: e.g.,, etc.
Search by phone number is performed only according to the numbers entered (exact match), other characters and spaces in the string are not taken into account. For example: if you enter a number as 8 (905) 1234567 or 8 905 123-45-67, then number 89051234567 will be found. Also, using a partial number, e.g. 8 (905), no payment with a full phone number will be found.
If several filters are filled, then only the payments that satisfy all the conditions specified will be found.
Search by Market (Payment Form / Store)
If you have several payment form, you can find payments only from the specified payment form. To do this, use field Market.
Click on the field to open a drop-down list of the payment forms available to you and select the desired one. You can select several values if necessary.
If any of the payment forms available to you is not displayed in the list, contact support to customize the list.
View Payment Information
To view payments, use the search form at the top of the page.
E.g., enter the current date into the Order creation date from field and click on the Find button to find all payments created today. After the search is complete, a table with a list of all payments found will be displayed on the page.
Each payment is displayed in two lines that contain different info blocks.
- Order - payment IDs. Firstly, you see the payment identifier used in the Noventiq Payments. And, on the green background, you see the payment identifier used on your end.
- Creation date
- Order history - list of events that happen to payments
- Payment date - date and time of successful payment completion
- Payment Method - technical name of the payment method
- Last 4 digits of card number. Displayed if the customer used a card to pay
- Order documents - button to download payment documents
- Total - payment amount
- Reguest a refund - button to send a request for a refund. Available only if payment was successful. The button becomes hidden after a refund is made
- Status - payment processing status
- Order items - payment description and its additional parameters. You transfer this data using the request for creating a payment (payment_description, additional_data) or the request for processing auto-payment (payment_description only). Note that the time for storing additional parameters is limited. Other data in the block is technical and not used in Noventiq Payments
- Name - customer's full name (first name, last name) (customer.first_name customer.last_name)
- E-mail - customer's email (
- Company - customer's company name (customer.company_name)
- Store - technical name of the payment form
View Payment Form as Customer
You can go to the payment form page.
You have to:
- Find the payment you require
- Click its ID
- The payment form page opens in a new window
Download Payment Documents
Various documents can be generated for the payment, e.g. closing documents for legal entities. If there are documents present in the Payment Method block, than the Order Documents button is displayed.
When clicking on the button, a window opens where you can view a list of documents for the payment. The documents can be downloaded.
Delete payment
You can cancel a payment that has not yet been successfully completed (has the not paid status).
- Go to the ESupport portal
- Use the search form to find the payment you require
- Click Dеlete order in section Status
- A window opens asking you to confirm the change in the order status
- Click Change to delete the order or Cancel to leave the order unchanged
Refund Requests
A refund request can be submitted if the conditions are satisfied:
- Payment status is Paid
- Payment cost is greater than zero
- There is no refund request that is being processed or have been completely fulfilled
To submit a refund request on the payment:
- Find the payment using the search form
- Click on the Request refund button in the Total block
If there is no button, then no request can be sent (see the conditions for sending a request above) - Fill in a refund reason in the window that opens
Maximum number of characters is 500 - Click on the Send button
After sending a refund request, the payment gets an additional status: Refund request has been sent
If during processing changes happen to the payment, its status will change to: Refund info is being updated
When a refund request is complete:
- The status will change accordingly:
- Request has been completed - refund request is fulfilled
- Refusal to refund - refund request has been declined, for example, if the dispute cannot be resolved otherwise
- The following notification will be sent to the email of the customer who sends a refund request:
From: Subject: [Esupport] Refund request for [payment id] has been completed Content: Your refund request for [payment id] has been completed with result: [status] Possible refund request statuses: - full refund completed
- refund failed