Get Started
General Steps
- Read the documentation on how to use the Products API
- Get access to the API:
- If you are using the Merchant Portal, create accounts through section API keys to work with the API in test and production environments
- Otherwise, contact our support team to set up access. Note that access to the API in a test environment is provided separately. If you want to use the API in a test environment, you have to clarify this when contacting our support team
- Develop on your end:
- Web service receiving authorization tokens created through our Authentication API - if you did not do that earlier when connecting to our other APIs
- Web service interacting with our Products API
- Contact our support team if additional configuration is required to create products:
- Connection to our automatic order fulfillment tools to send products to your end customers (web service, pool, email). You can set up an individual tool per checkout currency. If none of the automatic fulfillment tools is set up, self-reliant order fulfillment is used
- Pricing model setup for using One price
When connecting to the API through the Merchant Portal, this option is enabled automatically. If you connect with the help of our support team, this option setup must be made additionally
Connection Data
The following data is provided to work with the API:
- Username and password - to authorize through the Authentication API, if you did not do that earlier when connecting to our other APIs