Original Product Configuration

An original product is a product on our end the properties of which are used as default values for products with dynamic properties.

When generating a checkout link via the API, you transfer the original product ID in a request. Based on this, the system decides from which product on our end to take default property values.

  • Required parameters in the request (e.g. product name, price) will always override the properties of the original product when generating links.
    E.g., if an original product is named "Product 1" and in a request you have transferred "name": "Demo Product", then you add the product to the checkout page, it will have the following name transferred in the request - "Demo Product"
  • Optional parameters (e.g., SKU, invoice name, installment settings, etc.) override* the properties of the original product only if they have been transferred.
    E.g. , if the original product is configured with a SKU equal to "11111", and you transfer "sku": "22222" in the request, the product SKU will be equal to "22222" at checkout. If the sku parameter is not transferred in the request, the product SKU will be "11111" (it will be taken from the original product) at checkout.
    * - some of the optional parameters work according to a different rule. For example, subscription settings. If a subscription is configured in the original product and parameter product.subscription is transferred in the request,  the product at checkout will have a subscription, and the data transferred will override the original product settings. If parameter product.subscription is not transferred, the product at checkout will not have a subscription (even though the original product has one). Such exceptions are described in the interaction protocol.

You can create original products yourself (via the Merchant Portal or the Product API) or contact our support team.

One or more original products can be created. Several products may be needed if:

  • Several products must be added to a checkout page at once using a single checkout link. In this case, you need to create an original product for each such a product
  • Your products have different properties that cannot be overridden via the API, such as image, description, renewal expiration date, etc.
Only the key properties and their peculiarities are listed below. The dynamic product inherits the rest of the properties from the original product.
Checkout currencies
Specifies the currencies in which the product is allowed to be sold..
  • When creating a product through the Merchant Portal or Product API, the configuration is performed automatically
  • When generating a link through the Dynamic Product Checkout API, you transfer the currency (currency) in which the product price is set. It must be one of the currencies in which sales are permitted under your Agreement
Product title
The original product title does not appear at checkout.
  • For display at checkout, the title transferred in the request for generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API (products.name) is always used. You can also set a specific title that will be used in invoice (products.name_for_invoice)
  • When creating a product through the Merchant Portal or Product API, you can set any title
Not displayed at checkout. Using the checkout links generated through the Dynamic Product Checkout API, the products only display the name you provided in the request, without subtitle. When creating a product through the Merchant Portal or Product API, you can provide any comment for the name.
Your product SKU
Not displayed at checkout and is used in internal reports.
Your product identifiers
Not displayed at checkout and is used in internal reports.
Product image
If uploaded, it is displayed for the product at checkout.
  • Can be configured via the Merchant Portal or Product API
  • Cannot be overridden when generating a checkout link through the Dynamic Product Checkout API, i.e. all the products based on the same original product will have the same image at checkout (or will have no image if it has not been uploaded for the original product)
Product description
If filled in, an icon is displayed for the product at checkout. When the icon is clicked, a description opens.
  • Can be configured via the Merchant Portal or Product API
  • Cannot be overridden when generating a checkout link through the Dynamic Product Checkout API, i.e. all the products based on the same original product will have the same description at checkout (or will have no description if it has not been set for the original product)
Price per unit
No price of the original product is used at checkout.
  • The checkout page always uses the price transferred in the request for generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API (products.price. You can also add a discount to the price using parameter products.discount_percent)
  • When creating a product through the Merchant Portal or Product API you can set any price
Automatic renewal
Only auto-renewable (AR) subscriptions are supported. Subscriptions with free trials (AR Trial) or pre-filled manual renewal (PMR) are not yet supported by dynamic products.

For a subscription to be available on a checkout page, the following conditions must be met:
  • Automatic renewal is configured for the original product. You can do this through the Merchant Portal or Product API.
    The product properties that can be overridden in the request for generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API:
    • For the product that initiating the subscription: name, price, term
    • For the renewal product: name, price
    Cannot be overridden and will be taken from the settings of the original product:
    • Renewal term (i.e. it will be the same for all the products based on the same original product)
  • In the request for generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API, parameter products.subscription is transferred
More details on how subscriptions work with dynamic products.
VAT charging method
Specifies how VAT is added to the product price. Configures according to your Agreement.

Value options:
  • VAT is included in the price, i.e. at checkout the customer sees the price that is transferred for the product in the request
  • VAT is charged on top of the price when adding a product to a checkout page, i.e, the price transferred in the request will be increased at checkout by the amount of tax. The VAT rate is determined automatically according to the currency and country selected by the customer.
  • When creating a product through the Merchant Portal or Product API, the configuration is performed automatically
  • Cannot be overridden when generating a checkout link through the Dynamic Product Checkout API, i.e. all products based on the same original product will have the same method of calculating VAT
Hide the quantity for the product
Allows you to hide field "quantity" for a product at checkout.
  • The quantity of a product on a hcekout page is always specified from the request for generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API (products.quantity)
  • The customer cannot modify the product quantity at checkout
  • The option to hide field "quantity" for a product on a checkout page can be configured via the Product API
  • It is impossible to override the option of hiding field "quantity" when generating a checkout link using the Dynamic Product Checkout API
Product comments
Displayed next to the product name on a checkout page or at the bottom of the checkout page next to button “Continue". More details on the capability.
  • Can be configured via the Product API
  • Cannot be overridden when generating a checkout link via theDynamic Product Checkout API
Order fulfillment methods
Specifies the method of product delivery to customers.

Value options:
  • Electronic delivery - license information is sent to customers by email
  • Physical delivery
  • When creating products through the Merchant Portal or Product API, you can only create products using electronic delivery. You can set up an electronic delivery method through the Merchant Portal
  • You can redefine electronic delivery to physical when generating a checkout link via the Dynamic Product Checkout API (products.is_delivery_needed)