How to Assign an Azure Subscription Administrator


When ordering a Microsoft Azure Plan subscription, you need to assign an administrator for it. This process varies depending on whether you are using a new or existing domain.

You can add other users after the subscription is activated. For details, see Azure Role Assignments.

New Domain

If you are ordering a subscription with the creation of a new Microsoft domain, the platform automatically creates a user named admin@yourdomain and assigns it as the administrator. In this case, no action is required from you.

Existing Domain

If you are ordering a subscription for an existing domain, at step ➂ Additional information, in the Users email list, select one of the users from your Microsoft account to be the subscription administrator.

Select an Azure subscription administrator

If, instead of the user list, you see a message that the action is unavailable, allow access to your data. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the invitation link.
  2. Log in to the Microsoft portal with the Global Admin role.
  3. Confirm the invitation.
  4. Return to the Customer Control Panel and refresh the page.

The subscription order will be unavailable until you grant access. For details, see Granting Access.