How to Change the Number of Resources from the Future Period

Some subscription services include different resources (licenses, add-ons). In this case, you can manage the number of these resources in the subscription.

You can change the number of resources starting from the future subscription period on renewal.

Renewal occurs for all subscriptions at the end of your annual or monthly contract.

If you want to reduce the number of resources in the subscription, then you must first unpin this resource on the vendor side.

See more details:

After unpinning resources on the vendor side, change the configuration of resources in the subscription in the Noventiq Client Control Panel, as described below.

At renewal you can increase and decrease the number of resources.

  • Open the Client Control Panel ( and go through authorization process.
  • Open Subscriptions sections ➀.
  • Find the necessary subscription in the list of subscriptions.
  • Click the button Renew ➁ in the subscription block on the main page.
    The button appears 10 days before the subscription expires.
Renewal button for subscription
  • Select Renewal option – Renew without switch plan
Choosing renewal option
  • Use the + / -  buttons ➃ next to the resource name  to increase or decrease its number.
  • The platform will automatically calculate the cost of using the subscription.
  • Click Next ➄.
Renewal order creation
  • Check the order and click Submit ➅.
Renewal order confirmation