[PATCH] Modify Product
Request Description
PATCH /v1/product/[product id]
The request allows you to modify the properties of product.
Connection Data
- Endpoint URL:
- Production environment: https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com/v1/product
- Test environment: https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com.demonqweb.com/v1/product
- Request Method: PATCH
- Format: JSON
- Authorization: token-based
You can get it from: Example: /v1/product/123456
- Format:
Bearer [token]
- Replace [token] with the token value you get in response to the request sent to the Authentication API
- family_name - optional parameter
- name - optional parameter
- variants - optional parameter
Data Update Peculiarities
For the following parameters, all nested elements are fully updated if the parameter is transferred in the request:
- Prices - variants
- Localization data - localization_values
- Display settings - display_settings
- Renewal settings - renew_settings
- Additional products settings - cross_sell
- TYPO settings - typo
- Localization data for the TYPO - typo.localization_values
- License data - license_data
For these parameters:
- If the parameter is transferred, then all (not only transferred) corresponding nested data will be overwritten completely
- If there is no parameter in the modify request, then the values filled out previously will not change
- During product creation, the localization_values parameter containing data for the cs_CZ locale is transferred
- The localization_values parameter containing data only for the en_EN locale is transferred in the modify request
- Result:
- Only data for en_EN will remain in the product
- ДData for cs_CZ will be deleted
In this example, to add a translation for another language to the existing one, you have to transfer the data in the request for all the locales for which there should be the translation (in the example given, these are cs_CZ and en_EN).
Request Example
"family_name": "Demo Product",
"name": "1 Pc / 1 year",
"is_publish": true,
"image_url": "https://my-shop.com/images/product-1234.png",
"description": "<p><strong>Test product</strong></p>",
"comment_for_manager": "There will be a full description later",
"url_to_instructions": "https://www.google.com",
"url_to_download": "https://www.google.com",
"business_segment": "b2c",
"available_for_sale": "all",
"is_service": true,
"license_type": "new",
"licence_term": "P1Y",
"renew_settings": {
"product_id_for_renew": [
"renew_ar": {
"enable": true,
"required": false
"renew_pmr": true,
"renew_email": false
"localization_values": {
"en_EN": {
"family_name": "Test product",
"name": "1 PC/1 year",
"description": "<p><strong>Test product</strong> for test purchase</p>",
"comment_for_cart": "This is a test purchase.",
"comment_for_product_top": "The license is valid for 1 year.",
"comment_for_product_middle": "New version of the test product.",
"comment_for_product_for_AR": "The license is renewed automatically.",
"comment_for_product_for_MR": "You will need to manually renew your license after 1 year.",
"comment_for_product_bottom": "This license is not for sale or activation outside of the country."
"cs_CZ": {
"family_name": "Zkušební výrobek",
"name": "1 ks / 1 rok",
"description": "<p><strong>Testovací produkt</strong> pro zkušební nákup</p>",
"comment_for_cart": "Jedná se o zkušební nákup.",
"comment_for_product_top": "Licence je platná po dobu 1 roku.",
"comment_for_product_middle": "Nová verze testovaného produktu.",
"comment_for_product_for_AR": "Licence se obnovuje automaticky.",
"comment_for_product_for_MR": "Budete muset ručně obnovit licenci po 1 roce.",
"comment_for_product_bottom": "Tato licence není určena k prodeji nebo aktivaci mimo zemi."
"display_settings": {
"hide_name": true,
"hide_item_quantity": true
"variants": [{
"vendor_code": "1",
"sku": "111",
"from": 1,
"to": 5,
"price": {
"USD": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": "99.99"
"EUR": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": "99.99"
}, {
"vendor_code": "1",
"sku": "111",
"from": 6,
"price": {
"USD": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": "80.99"
"EUR": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": "80.00"
"cross_sell": {
"type": "add_to_basket",
"status": true,
"date_from": "2020-10-15 14:18:00",
"date_to": "2020-10-25 14:18:00",
"removal_available": true,
"quantity_change_available": false,
"product_id": [
"typo": {
"status": true,
"date_from": "2020-10-15 14:18:40",
"date_to": "2020-10-25 14:18:40",
"localization_values": {
"en_EN": {
"comment_for_typo": "This is a test purchase."
"cs_CZ": {
"comment_for_typo": "Jedná se o zkušební nákup."
"product_id": [
"license_data": {
"en_EN": {
"customer_notification": "Key: {KEY}"
"cs_CZ": {
"customer_notification": "Klíč: {KEY}"
Data Deletion Peculiarities
If you want to delete any property values of a product when updating:
- For the parameters listed above, complete replacement of previously transferred data with new values happens, if any of the parameters is present in the request. Moreover:
- If you want to replace all old values with new ones, it is enough to simply transfer new values
- If you need to remove renewal settings, transfer false in related parameters (renew_settings.renew_ar.enable, renew_settings.renew_pmr, renew_settings.renew_email). This will automatically unbind renewal products (renew_settings.product_id_for_renew). These renewal products will remain in the system
- If you want to return default values to product display settings (display_settings), transfer the parameter having an empty value ({})
- If you want to delete additional products settings / TYPO, transfer false in related objects (cross_sell.status, typo.status)
- If you need to delete localized values (localization_values), transfer empty data arrays for a related language
- You cannot delete all prices of a product
- To delete the product description, the URL to instructions explainig how to install the product, the URL to product download link, etc., transfer the related parameters empty (""). Product image deletion is currently not supported. You have to contact our support team if you require this option
- You cannot delete order fulfillment data (license_data); if you want to stop using individual values for products and return to the default settings, you have to contact our support team
Example of Request for Deleting Product Data
"description": "",
"comment_for_manager": "",
"url_to_instructions": "",
"url_to_download": "",
"licence_term": "",
"localization_values": {
"en_EN": {}
"display_settings": {},
"renew_settings": {
"product_id_for_renew": [],
"renew_ar": {
"enable": false,
"required": false
"renew_pmr": false,
"renew_email": false
"typo": {
"status": false
"cross_sell": {
"status": false
Response Description
In response to the request, you receive the server response code corresponding to the processing result. Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.
Successful Response
If processing is successful, the following will return in response server response code: HTTP/1.1 200 ОК.
Error Response
If an error occurs while processing the request, you receive a server response code corresponding to the result of processing.
Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.
HTTP Server Response Error Code
HTTP code | Description |
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request | The request is not valid (error in parameters; necessary data is not transferred, etc.). An additional error code (one or more) will be transferred in the response bodу. |
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized | Unsuccessful authorization. An additional error code (one or more) will be transferred in the response bodу. |
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found | Invalid request URL or no product having the identifier transferred is found. If no product is found, an additional additional error code will return in the response body. |
HTTP/1.1 500 Request Error | Internal Server Error. Please try again later or contact support. |
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 400
The errors are the same as the errors you get in response to the request for creating a product.
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 401
The errors are the same for all the APIs that use token authorization.
Additional Error Codes for HTTP 404
Error | Message | Description |
11200 | Product not found | No product with the identifier transferred is found, or you do not have the rights to get the data. |
Example of Error Response
"errors": [{
"error": 1010,
"message": "Invalid field value: name"
}, {
"error": 1010,
"message": "Invalid field value: family_name"