[DELETE] Delete Product

DELETE /v1/product/[product id]

The request allows you to delete products.

[product id]
Product identifier
You can get it from: Example: /v1/product/123456
Authorization token
  • Format: Bearer [token]
  • Replace [token] with the token value you get in response to the request sent to the Authentication API
DELETE https://api.ecommerce.noventiq.com/v1/product/123456

In response to the request, you receive the server response code corresponding to the processing result. Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.

If processing is successful, the following will return in response server response code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

If an error occurs while processing the request, you receive a server response code corresponding to the result of processing. 
Depending on the code, the response body may contain additional parameters.

HTTP code Description
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Unsuccessful authorization.
An additional error code (one or more) will be transferred in the response bodу.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found Invalid request URL or no producr having the identifier transferred is found. If no product is found, an additional additional error code will return in the response body. 
HTTP/1.1 500 Request Error Internal Server Error. Please try again later or contact support.

The errors are the same for all the APIs that use token authorization.

Error Message Description
1030 Product not found No product with the identifier transferred is found, or you do not have the rights to get the data. 
array [objects]
Error list
errors / [error object]
Error code
errors / [error object]
Error description
 "errors": [{
   "error": 1030,
   "message": "Product not found"