Manage License Information

Manage License Information

If a product in an order uses e-delivery (Noventiq automatic order fulfillment tools), and the license information for the product has been received and saved into the order, you can resend it to the customer. To do this, click the Resend button located in the Activation code block with the saved license information. The button is displayed for each license information of each order item individually.

How it works:

  • The customer pays for a product order. Оne of the Noventiq automatic order fulfillment tools allowing you to send license information has been configured
  • The system initiates the receipt of the license information, for example, sends a request to your web service and receives a product activation code in response
  • The system receives the license information for the product from you, saves it into the order, sends it to the customer by email
  • You see this information in the Activation code block in the order data on the Esupport portal
  • If you click the Resend button in the Activation code block, the saved information is resent to the customer's email (the one above the Customer block)

If you do not see the Resend button, it means:

  • No license information has been saved for the product into the order yet
  • The status of the order is not equal to paid. You can send license information only if the order has the paid status. Otherwise, for example, if the order was refunded and its status changed to deleted, you cannot send its license information - even if this license information had been saved into the order earlier
  • Delivery is forbidden for your checkout page. This setting is adjusted on our side and may depend on the peculiarities of configuring the Noventiq automatic order fulfillment tools used for sending license information

After clicking the Resed button, the system asks you to confirm the action. After clicking the Resed button, the system asks you to confirm the action. If resending is successful, you must see a message in the order history. The message notifies that the email containing license information was sent.

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