Cross-Sell Offer

Additional products are products that are offered to the customer on the checkout page when purchasing the primary product.

How it works:

  • The customer adds primary product ① to their checkout page
  • Additional products ②③④ are automatically added to the checkout page (or become recommended)
Examples of setting options for recommended products

Additional products are:

  • Recommended ②
    They are displayed in a separate block below the checkout page. The customer can add a product from the recommended ones to the checkout page.
  • Mandatory ③④
    They are automatically added to the checkout page along with the primary product. When you delete the primary product from the checkout page, the mandatory additional product gets also automatically deleted.

For mandatory additional products, you can:

  • Prohibit deletion ④ of additional products without the primary product from the checkout page.
  • Prohibit quantity modification ④ of recommended products. In this case, the quantity of the recommended product will be equal to the quantity of the primary product
  • Adjust an additional product into a gift (free product)
    There are two possible ways to set a price for such a product:
    • Zero price ⑤
    • Discount equal to 100% ⑥

A gift cannot be deleted from the checkout page without the primary product. The option to modify the quantity can be configured the same rule as for other mandatory products.

Examples of setting options for gift products
  • Mandatory items (distribution packages, technical support).
  • Special offer products (e.g, a product with a bigger promo discount).
  • Gifts (mandatory additional product with zero price).

You can configure additional products:

The following information is required for configuration:

  • Primary product identifier that is if added to the checkout page makes an additional product be displayed. More than one product may be transferred.
  • Additional product identifier.
  • Additional product type (recommended or mandatory).
  • Special offer (promo) dates (from - to) during which a product will be recommended.
  • Commentary on a product recommended (100 characters max):
    Displayed in the recommendation block (if the recommended product is added to the cart, no comment is displayed).
  • If a product is mandatory, then it is possible to perform additional settings:
    • Remove the additional product separately from the primary one (yes/no).
    • Change the additional product quantity in the cart (yes/no). If not, then the additional product quantity in the cart will always be equal to the primary product quantity.

Please contact our support team if you have requests for customization of your recommendation block.