Detection of Unexpected Costs (Anomalies) in the Service Consumption (pay-as-you-go Model)

Noventiq Subscriptions includes a service for detecting unusual consumption (anomalies) of services with the pay-as-you-go model. This service is relevant for Infrastructure as a Service services like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AWS. The service is available by default to all customers with active subscriptions with the pay-as-you model.

Anomalies are detected by comparing consumption for the past and the day before relative to the current date. Unusual consumption detection is based on data provided by the service vendor (so 48 hours delay is acceptable). The anomaly is detected if the difference in daily consumption is more than 50% and more than 500 USD or an equivalent amount in local currency (these settings may vary depending on a specific country and a specific time period).

When the anomaly is detected, Noventiq Subscriptions sends an automatic e-mail with details: the date and amount of the detected anomaly.

This is the e-mail about the detection of unexpected costs

You can view information about the consumption spikes detected by the platform in the current month under the Analytics > Cost overview section on the Upcoming expenses tab.

On the detailed subscription page Monitoring tab there is information about consumption spikes automatically detected by the platform over the past year.

If you disagree with the identified anomaly, please contact our support service. Your feedback will help us improve the service.